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st: User-written ml commands, svy, and predict

From   Richard Williams <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: User-written ml commands, svy, and predict
Date   Wed, 13 Apr 2005 06:28:42 -0500

The -ml- command makes it very easy to add svy support for user-written routines. You just have to add the option to your syntax. So, when writing my own program, even though I have never used svy, I sort of figure, why not?

However, I am also adding -predict- support for my program. So, here is where my question comes in. Will the -predict- command need to do anything special given that estimates were generated using -svy-? My program will probably have the same predict options as mlogit (partly because I am modifying mlogit_p to work with my program):

p, xb, stdp, stddp

I am mainly wondering about stdp and stddp. I never use those myself, but I assume somebody does, so I want to make sure my calculation is correct. If I am not sure of the calculation, I may just drop those as options.

So in short, does the fact that I am using svy change how things should be calculated in post-estimation commands in general, and for stdp and stddp in particular? Or does the fact that svy has already affected the estimates for e(b) and e(V) mean that no further adjustment is needing when doing subsequent calculations?

Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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