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st: RE: Survey commands for predxcat and predxcon

From   "Wenhhui Wei" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: RE: Survey commands for predxcat and predxcon
Date   Tue, 12 Apr 2005 10:41:25 -0400

Hi, I'm using SVYPXCON, and it works perfect for all cases but not when
there's a class() specification. I'm wondering why? 

For example, 
svypxcon y, xvar(year) from(0) to(8) graph : works fine with both
statistical and graph output. 
svypxcon y, xvar(year) from(0) to(8) class(female): works fine with
statistical output

But when I run: 
svypxcon y, xvar(year) from(0) to(8) graph class(female)
It gives statistical output, but no graph output, and everytime I ran it, I
got an error message saying some variable not found, for example "female not
found" or "upper not found" or "no xij variable" not found. 

I'll appreciate it very much if you could help decipher this problem. 


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Joanne Garrett
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 7:47 PM
Subject: st: Survey commands for predxcat and predxcon

Also, thanks to Kit Baum for posting new survey command versions of predxcat
and predxcon. They have been added to the SSC Stata modules and can be found

Predxcat estimates and graphs adjusted means or adjusted proportions for
categorical X variables from linear or logistic regression models, and
predxcon does the same for continuous X variables. The survey versions are

   svypxcat  -- for predxcat
   svypxcon -- for predxcon

Also, predxcat and predxcon have been updated to use the current graphics
capabilities, and have new options, including cluster( ) and an option to
save results to a data file.

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