From | Richard Williams <> |
To | |
Subject | Re: st: re: Stata 9 |
Date | Mon, 11 Apr 2005 08:10:07 -0500 |
At 08:48 AM 4/11/2005 -0400, Kit Baum wrote:
Jose askedI imagine we've seen the last of any new features for Stata 8.2. Hopefully bug fixes will continue for a while, although I suppose we can't count on that. I've reported a couple of bugs recently and was told they were fixed, but now I am wondering if they were fixed for version 8 or 9 or both.
2. When the updating of Stata 8 will be descontinued?
I would expect that on the date you could actually order and receive a copy of Stata 9 (following the ship date later this month) that Stata 8.2 would be 'frozen'. From messages on the list, it is evident that there are a lot of Stata 8.0 users out there who haven't figured out how to bring their Stata up to date, and they will be able to do that update step (to the last available Stata 8.2 executable and ados) for the foreseeable future.
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