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RE: st: foreach and globals and {.}

From   "David Harrison" <>
To   <>
Subject   RE: st: foreach and globals and {.}
Date   Mon, 11 Apr 2005 12:34:23 +0100

Braces are also necessary when the global name contains a local macro...

. local loc a

. global ga hello world

. di "$ga"
hello world

. di "$g`loc'"

. di "${g`loc'}"
hello world

This was the case in the posted query... as I said in my previous response (which doesn't seem to have arrived yet more than an hour since I sent it) the -foreach x of global g- construct solves the problem.


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Blasnik []
Sent: 11 April 2005 12:21
Subject: Re: st: foreach and globals and {.}

The ${} are used to make the name of a global macro explicit to Stata when 
the context would otherwise make it unclear -- primarily when you want to 
embed a global macro name in a text string:

di "abc${myglobal}def"

allows Stata to figure out that the global macro is called myglobal.  In the 
original pos, they don't need that syntax.

Michael Blasnik

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ulrich Kohler" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 7:04 AM
Subject: Re: st: foreach and globals and {.}

> Hans J. Baumgartner wrote:
>> Dear statalist,
>> has anybody an idea how to solve the following problem?
>> foreach x in ${out_`year’} {
>> do something
>> }
>> That is: I have several globals and I need the braces to tell Stata that
>> the local `year’ actually belongs to the global name.
>> Now I would like to run a loop over all elements in the global
>> ${out_`year’}.
>> But the foreach command gets puzzled with the braces around the global,
>> since it thinks that this means to start the loop. And this returns an
>> error that a code follows on the same line as open braces.
> I don't understand why you need the braces in ${out_`year'}. If 
> $out_`year'
> is a string, consisting out of several elements,
> foreach x in $out_`year' {
> do something
> }
> would be fine. If $out_`year' refers to a single element, which changes
> according to `year' within a loop, I cannot see why you start a loop at 
> all.
> (I must admit that I have never seen something like ${out_`year'}, and I 
> was
> kind of surprised that
> . global x "test"
> . di "${x}"
> test
> works. Can anybody tell me what that means?)
> uli

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