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Re: st: changing beta coefficients

From   Richard Williams <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: changing beta coefficients
Date   Mon, 11 Apr 2005 06:18:41 -0500

At 10:23 AM 4/11/2005 +0200, Peter Haan wrote:
dear stata list,

I have the following question:

Is it possibe to change the estimated vector of beta coefficients by hand.
I want to predict with a slightly different beta vector than the
The idea is to replace the estimated vector e(b) by an artificial e(b*) and then to use the command pred,
however, as far as I know I cannot change e(b).
Yes you can. Check out -ereturn repost-. You might, for example, do something like

tempname bmat
matrix `bmat' = e(b)
...Make changes to `bmat'...
ereturn repost b = `bmat'

Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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