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st: RE: RE: graphs with year vertical lines

From   "Frank de Libero" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: RE: graphs with year vertical lines
Date   Sat, 9 Apr 2005 14:42:53 -0700

Placing vertical lines with the -by- option would set the same
X-positions for all plots of -by-. If that satisfied your question, then
for example:

	Webuse auto
	twoway connect mpg weight, sort by(foreign) xline(2000 3000,
lwidth(vthick) lcolor(ltbluishgray))

But what I understand from your post is you want different X-positions
depending on the country. Then you might want to write a small program
that accepted arguments for country, X-positions and changes in
labeling, though you could also do it interactively.


Ravi wrote:

I have a series of data that I have plotted against time( x-axis is
years 1965-2000) but also want to include a couple of vertical lines to
highlight particular years that dramatic things happened.
For example - my  series is trade data(trade/gdp) from 1965-2000 for 40
I am fine with 
Twoway Conn trade year , by(country) 
But in each  country there were years that I would like to mark (event
analysis style) So say in Argentina I want a vertical line at 1976 and
1989. For Brazil it may  1983 and 1991 and so on.
The only thing I come across that looks like this is when people want a
break in the x-axis and then to restart it later. That's the look I
want.  It is similar to standard graphs of output (GDP) and then you see
shaded years to show recessions.
Would appreciate any help.

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