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Re: st: Retrieving a master dataset after merging

From   "louis boakye-yiadom" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Retrieving a master dataset after merging
Date   Sat, 09 Apr 2005 17:00:31 +0000

Thanks, Ted. I suppose I need to clarify the question. I'm referring to a situation where the master file is no longer on disk. I dropped some observations from a dataset (let's call it A), and named the modfied set (let's call it B). I then merged B with another dataset (let's call it C), but errorneously named the new set (containiing B and C) B, thus replacing the oringinal B with the new set. Now I would like to have the oringinal B on disk. I can go back and repeat the changes I made to A to obtain the oringinal B, but I was wondering whether that's the only option. Thank you.


From: Ted Anagnoson <[email protected]>

If A is the master dataset and B is the data set to merge into it

A is on disk and B is on disk

You load A into memory
Give merge command
Save as NEW data set name, "C"

Then A is still on disk in its original form, B is still on disk in its original form, and C is now on disk as the merger of the two. C is also the data set in memory.

Ted Anagnoson

At 04:24 PM 4/9/2005 +0000, you wrote:

Dear All,
After doing a -merge-, can one retrieve the master dataset? If yes, how can it be done? Thank you.


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