Patricia Sourdin <[email protected]> asks
> I have estimated a probit model and marginal effects. These are
> the commands
> i use:
> probit y x1 x2 x3
> mfx
> estimates store mfx
> estout mfx using Myoutput, cells (b(fmt(%9.4f)) se(par fmt(%9.2f)))
> Prolem is, the output does not display the marginal effects, only
> the raw coefficients. Any tricks I should be aware of?
You may try my margeff command, because it can save marginal effects as
true estimation results. Your code would read as follows:
probit y x1 x2 x3
margeff, at(mean) replace
estimates store margeff
estout margeff using Myoutput, cells (b(fmt(%9.4f)) se(par fmt(%9.2f)))
You can obtain margeff through the ssc archive. Type ssc install margeff
Hopes this helps,
Tamas Bartus, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Social Policy
Corvinus University Budapest
(formerly University of Economics)
1093 Budapest, Fovam ter 8.
Phone: +36-1-4825-226 Fax: +36-1-4825-226
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