...and if you really want to know, Mitsubishi has a car named "pajero",
which in Spanish means something very naughty... (requests for
translation off-list :-) )
Am 6.Apr 2005 um 18:45 schrieb Nick Winter:
And, alledgedly, "Enco" changed its name to "Exxon" in part because
"Enco" means "stalled car" in Japanese.
At 11:16 AM 4/6/2005 -0500, you wrote:
That was the Nova, or "no va", which in Spanish, means "doesn't go".
Karen E. Scheltema, MA, MS
Clarian Health Partners
Methodist Hospital
Quality and Regulatory Compliance
1701 N. Capitol Blvd. B275
P.O. Box 1367
Indianapolis, IN 46206
Phone (317) 962-2136
Pager (317) 312-7729
Fax (317) 962-9780
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of Richard.
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2005 11:15 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: RE: RE: Stata 9 Mata question
At 11:11 AM 4/6/2005, you wrote:
>Which is an argument for pronouncing it Mayta.
I don't remember the exact details, but I think Ford or one of the
car companies once introduced a car whose name meant "Doesn't run" in
Spanish. It didn't sell too well overseas. :)
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Nicholas Winter 607.255.8819 t
Assistant Professor 607.255.4530 f
Department of Government [email protected] e
308 White Hall falcon.arts.cornell.edu/nw53 w
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-4601
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Alex Gamma, Ph.D.
University Hospital of Psychiatry Zurich
Research department
Lenggstr. 31
8032 Zurich
email: [email protected]
Tel: ++4144 384 2635
Fax: ++4144 384 2446
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