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Re: st: Re: Stata 9 announcement

From   Paul Millar <>
Subject   Re: st: Re: Stata 9 announcement
Date   Wed, 06 Apr 2005 09:33:04 -0600

Does this mean that, in general, strings can now be greater than 80 characters in Stata 9? This was a major pain in Stata 8.

- Paul Millar

At 09:16 AM 06/04/2005, you wrote:

At 09:49 AM 4/6/2005 -0500, Alan Riley wrote:

Stata 8 already was set up to deal with this problem because of the
difference in maximum value label length between Intercooled Stata 8
(80) and Stata/SE 8 (244).  If Stata 8 encounters a label with any
mapping greater than its maximum length, it does not load that label:
Ok, suppose a Stata 9 and Stata 8 user were both working on the same file and modifying it. Could the Stata 8 user zap the long value labels created by the Stata 9 person by saving the file? I know I'd sure be annoyed if I spent all this time typing in 32,000 character value labels and somebody else accidentally erased them :)

Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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