From | Nick Winter <[email protected]> |
To | [email protected] |
Subject | Re: st: Stata 9 announcement |
Date | Wed, 06 Apr 2005 10:31:17 -0400 |
At 09:07 AM 4/6/2005 -0500, you wrote:
One thing that occurs to me is to use this in conjunction with support for multiple languages, in order to include complete questionnaire wording in one set of labels, and shorter "analysis" labels in another.At 08:46 AM 4/6/2005 -0500, Alan Riley wrote:Thanks Alan. Just as a matter of curiosity, why would somebody even want a 32,000 character value label (or even 244 or 80?) I suppose you could put an entire questionnaire into your value label if you were so inclined! But for documentation purposes, I would think there would be better approaches than trying to cram so much information into a value label.In Stata 9, value labels have a maximum length of 32,000 characters. When reading a Stata 9 dataset, Stata 8 is "smart" enough to not read in any value labels that would exceed the Stata 8 limit.
My own bias is to have nice, short labels (Stata output generally truncates after around 10 or 11 characters anyway, right?) But perhaps I overlook some benefits here.
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