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Re: st: Stata 9 announcement

From   Nick Winter <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Stata 9 announcement
Date   Wed, 06 Apr 2005 09:21:20 -0400

I have no idea, but I'll bet that the format is the same for the following reasons:

(1) Stat/Transfer just released a new update of its own; I imagine they would have received signals (if not outright information) from Statacorp that there was a new format coming down the line and waited a month or so for their own update.

(2) At first glance there don't appear to be new data features that require new formats (such as extended missings; longer strings

(3) Label language, which might require a new dataset format, already exists in 8.2, and is implemented with characteristics.

Of course, I could be wrong; this is just a guess.


At 07:56 AM 4/6/2005 -0500, you wrote:

At 01:29 AM 4/4/2005 -0500, William Gould, Stata wrote:
We have a tradition of telling Statalist members about new releases of
Stata before anyone else, so here it is:

I am pleased to be the one to announce the release of Stata 9.
Something I don't believe has been asked yet: Are the file formats of Stata 8 and Stata 9 identical? I hope so. If not, somebody once proposed that the last update of an older version should include the ability to convert files from the new version. I think that is a very good idea.

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Nicholas Winter 607.255.8819 t
Assistant Professor 607.255.4530 f
Department of Government [email protected] e
308 White Hall w
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-4601

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