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Re: st: updating ado's

From   Nick Winter <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: updating ado's
Date   Tue, 05 Apr 2005 15:09:10 -0400

Hi Sarah,

Long time since NASUG--I hope you are doing well. I'm emailing at long last because the imminent release of Stata 9 has brought me back to working on my introductory book on using Stata to analyze complex survey data, and I would greatly appreciate your input.

Specifically, I wonder if you would be willing to give me input on what, if any, publicly-available datasets do you use, and what sorts of analysis you do? I'm hoping to include as wide a range of substantive examples as possible, and most of what I'm familiar with is in the political science world.

Regarding analyses, I'm interested in both what sorts of basic techniques you use (e.g., logistic; ordered probit; whatever), but in particular what sorts of problems you tend to run into (or ran into when first dealing with complex sampled data); what sorts of post-estimation and model fit stuff you do, if any; things you found strange or confusing at first when you first started dealing with complex samples, etc.

Thanks in advance, and certainly don't feel that you have to address everything I've listed--I'm just trying to give you a sense of the sorts of things that might help if you have thoughts on the top of your head.

Nick Winter

At 09:55 AM 4/4/2005 -0400, you wrote:

You also may need to increase the time before declaring a timeout.  See:


Richard Williams wrote:

At 08:19 AM 4/4/2005 -0400, Hebe B. Quinton wrote:

Version 8 newly installed (windows XP). Update executable goes fine.
ado times out "connecting to host", and the silly thing then will only start
over from the very blinking beginning - there is no checkpoint to realize that
9 mega bytes have already been down loaded! Each ado file is a separate file,
so it would be possible NOT to start over each time. It is timing out at a
different place each attempt. Increasing the timeout variables has no effect,
the process seems completely incapable of restarting once it pauses.
Are you sure the executable got updated? The recommended procedure for a first-time update is
update executable
update swap
update all
Don't forget the update swap! If still having problems, follow the directions for a non-internet update at

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