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st: Creating a Count Variable in STATA

From   Michael Horowitz <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Creating a Count Variable in STATA
Date   Sat, 2 Apr 2005 17:14:33 -0500 (EST)

To whom it may concern:

I have a time series dataset organized by country year, with one entry per
year per country.  I want to create a count variable that measures the
number of years it has been since a given country has acquired nuclear
weapons, the variable of interest for my study.  But I am having trouble
getting the coding entirely right.  The variables that I "think" matter
here are:

-ccode: the country code for each country
-nukes: a binary variable that is 0 if a country does not have nuclear
weapons and a 1 if it has nuclear weapons
-year: this is pretty obvious. .

The current coding I have is:

gen nukecount=0
replace nukecount=(nukecount[_n-1]+1) if ((ccode==ccode[_n-1]) &
(nukes==1) & (nukes[_n-1]==1))

If anyone has some advice about what I am doing wrong and how to
potentialy correct it. . that would be fantastic and I would really
appreciate it.

Michael Horowitz


Michael Horowitz
78 Kirkland Street, #1
Cambridge, MA 02138

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