Happy Friday Statalisters:
I just noticed that "adjust" will not take a string variable in the
"if" statement. Is this intentional? I can't imagine why it would be.
. adjust anycontact=1 "`list2'" if beach=="HB", by(anycontact
m_l10count_dy) se gen(swim2) pr nokey noheader
HB not found
. encode beach, gen(beachnum)
. adjust anycontact=1 "`list2'" if beachnum==1, by(anycontact
m_l10count_dy) gen(swim3) pr nokey noh
> eader
(74 missing values generated)
any |
contact |
with | meanlog10 daily average
water | 1.016694 1.058044 1.093425 1.352199 1.606892 1.832678
1.943335 2.070882 2.215488 2.233996
0 | .089337 .085384 .094242 .091299 .094656 .087423
.086623 .092633 .089453 .098083
1 | .100255 .10201 .10333 .112783 .117798 .113616
.117435 .119614 .122636 .123895
any |
contact |
with | meanlog10 daily average
water | 2.639773 2.767887 2.874075
0 | .086376 .089791 .09473
1 | .131417 .141952 .129688
end of do-file
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* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
* http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/