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st: about sums

From   "Rodrigo Briceno" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: about sums
Date   Thu, 31 Mar 2005 11:14:24 -0600

Dear statalisters. I was reviewing the manuals and FAQs and I didn't find a
solution for my need.
I have a file with 42 variables and 1 million observations, and I would like
to have the sum of the values for each variable in the same table. Let's

Variable	sum
X		200
Y		300
Z		2000
ZZ		5000, etc.

What can I use in Stata 8 for that purpose? Summarize has some statistics,
but no sum of variables seem to appear.


Rodrigo Brice�o
Sanigest International
San Jos�, Costa Rica
Telf. (506) 291-1200
Fax. (506) 232-0830
Cell (506) 357-4535

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