From | "louis boakye-yiadom" <[email protected]> |
To | [email protected] |
Subject | Re: st: error message r(2000) |
Date | Thu, 31 Mar 2005 13:09:08 +0000 |
From: Roger Harbord <[email protected]>
Are you running the -count- command inside the do-file which defines `varlist'? If not (e.g. you're running it from the command-line) then `varlist' will not be defined as it's local to the do-file, and missing() with no args is always true. If `varlist' contains >1 variable then missing(`varlist') shouldn't in fact work as missing() takes a comma-separated list not a varlist:
. local varlist price mpg rep78 headroom
. di "`varlist'"
price mpg rep78 headroom
. count if ~missing(`varlist')
pricempgrep78headroom not found
. count if ~missing()
Roger Harbord
Department of Social Medicine, University of Bristol
--On 31 March 2005 13:14 +0100 Ron�n Conroy <[email protected]> wrote:
louis boakye-yiadom wrote:Dear All, I get a "no observations" error message -r(2000)- when I execute a do file, and I'm having difficulty determining what's going wrong. According to the error message, I "have requested some statistical calculation and there are no observations on which to perform it. Perhaps you specified if exp or in range and inadvertently filtered all the data." I don't understand what is meant by "filtered all the data". The line that generates the error message is: regress lnW `varlist' if migst1==0 To check whether there are actually no observations, I gave the following command (and had the shown output): count if migst1==0 & !mi(`varlist') 2720
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