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st: Have dialogs and/or -twoway- been overhauled since November?

From   Roger Newson <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Have dialogs and/or -twoway- been overhauled since November?
Date   Wed, 30 Mar 2005 10:52:58 +0100

Hello All (especially StataCorp)

I have a query re -graph twoway- and dialog boxes under the latest version of Stata 8.2 for Windows (executable 10 Jan 2005, ado-files 24 Feb 2005). Have there been any unpublicised major overhauls of the Stata graphics dialog box system since November 2004?

I ask because my package -eclplot- (downloadable from SSC and distributed 22 November 2004) suddenly seems no longer to work in dialog mode, as invoked by

db eclplot

(although it still works perfectly well in command mode, at least for me). At least part of the reason seems to be that my dialog box program -eclplot.dlg- usually creates a command with a lot of options given as "Default", and -graph twoway- now seems to have a problem with that. For instance, I have a standard program for generating a dataset with one observation per confidence interval for testing -eclplot--, and it invokes the SSC packages -somersd-, -parmest- and -sencode-, and reads as follows:

#delim ;
version 8.2;
Generate resultsset for testing eclplot dialogs

sysuse auto, clear;
parmby "somersd foreign price mpg headroom trunk weight length turn displacement gear_ratio", label norestore stars(0.05 0.01 0.001);
sort estimate parmseq;
sencode label, gene(predictor);
lab var predictor "Predictor of un-American origin";


If I execute, and then invoke -db eclplot- and submit a basic command, the output is as follows:

. eclplot estimate min95 max95 predictor, horizontal eplottype(scatter) rplottype(rcap) estopts( mcolor(Default) mfcolor(Default) mlpattern(Default) mlwidth(Def
> ault) mlcolor(Default) mlabposition(Default) mlabangle(Default) mlabsize(Default) mlabcolor(Default) connect(Default) sort cmissing(Default) clpattern(Default
> ) clwidth(Default) clcolor(Default) ) ciopts( blpattern(Default) blwidth(Default) blcolor(Default) ) scheme(rbn1mono)
(note: named style Default not found in class color, default attributes used
(note: named style Default not found in class linepattern, default attributes used
(note: named style Default not found in class linewidth, default attributes used
(note: linewidth not found in scheme, default attributes used)
(note: named style Default not found in class color, default attributes used
(note: named style Default not found in class color, default attributes used
(note: named style Default not found in class color, default attributes used
(note: named style Default not found in class color, default attributes used
(note: named style Default not found in class linepattern, default attributes used
(note: named style Default not found in class linewidth, default attributes used
(note: linewidth not found in scheme, default attributes used)
(note: named style Default not found in class color, default attributes used
(note: named style Default not found in class linewidth, default attributes used
(note: linewidth not found in scheme, default attributes used)
(note: named style Default not found in class linepattern, default attributes used
(note: named style Default not found in class clockdir, default attributes used
(note: named style Default not found in class gsize, default attributes used
(note: named style Default not found in class color, default attributes used
(note: named style Default not found in class anglestyle, default attributes used
(note: named style Default not found in class connectstyle, default attributes used
(note: named style Default not found in class yesno, default attributes used
(note: yesno not found in scheme, default attributes used)
not allowed

It appears that there is now a problem with the "Default" string passed as an option. THe dialog box -eclplot.dlg- definitely worked with the current version of Stata as of 22 November 2004.

I have not found anything publicised about a major overhaul of the graphics dialog boxes in -whelp whatsnew-. However, there seem to be two new .class files twowaygraph_g.class and twoway_yxview_parse.class in the Updates, both dated 15 December 2004, and I am wondering whether they have anything to do with the sudden malfunctioning of -eclplot.dlg-.

Best wishes (and thanks in advance)


Roger Newson
Lecturer in Medical Statistics
Department of Public Health Sciences
Division of Asthma, Allergy and Lung Biology
King's College London

5th Floor, Capital House
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