Dear Indranil,
As far as I know, there is no easy way to do this in Stata. You will probably need at least 1 loop to do this:
mat mat2=J(260,1,0)
local rows=0
forvalues i=1/260 {
if mat1[`i',1]==999999 {
local nrows=`nrows'+1
mat mat2[`nrows',1]=mat1[`i',2]
di "`nrows' rows updated in mat2"
- Paul
University of Calgary
----- Original Message -----
From: Indranil Majumdar <[email protected]>
Date: Thursday, March 24, 2005 10:34 am
Subject: st: matrix question
> Hi,
> I have a matrix (mat1) with the following data (extract).
> . matrix list mat1
> mat1[260,2]
> ratsect cutoff
> r1 999999 3.435e-06
> r2 999999 4.572e-06
> r3 999999 6.596e-06
> r4 999999 9.606e-06
> r5 999999 .00001548
> r22 999998 5.470e-06
> r23 999998 .0000119
> r24 999998 .0000177
> r25 999998 .0000295
> r26 999998 .0000439
> I want to create another matrix (say mat2) with only those rows
> that have a
> particular 'ratsect' e.g. 999999
> I guess the command will look something like the following.
> matrix mat2 = mat1["some expression ???",2]
> I am not sure how to filter rows based on a criterion.
> Any help will be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Indranil
> CreditSights. Inc,
> (212) 340-3820
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