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st: Survey data correction for population

From   Randall Burd <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Survey data correction for population
Date   Wed, 23 Mar 2005 21:36:07 -0500

To all,

I would appreciate advice on the following issue:

I am trying to compare the population rates of a hospital-related
diagnosis among children in 4 different regions in the country. The
database that I am using is a sampling of all hospital discharges
(adults and children) in the US and contains strata, PSU and weights
needed for survey estimations. I can use the following to get estimates
of the number of diagnoses in each region:

svytotal diagnosis, by(region)

I am interested, however, in comparing the rate of the diagnosis per
100,000 regional population (not per number of regional hospital
discharges) in the four regions in a pairwise fashion. Based on census
data, I know the regional populations to be pop1 through pop4 for the
four regions. 

I would also like to compare the rate of the diagnosis in each region
according to age groups is a pairwise fashion.

Any advice? Do I need to add a second weight that represents the
relative contribution of each discharge to the entire population?



Randall S. Burd, M.D., Ph.D.
Division of Pediatric Surgery, Department of Surgery
Box 19, 1 RWJ Place
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
New Brunswick, NJ  08903

[email protected]
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