From | Roger Newson <[email protected]> |
To | [email protected] |
Subject | Re: st: meta-analysis graphs with metan |
Date | Tue, 22 Mar 2005 20:33:33 +0000 |
At 18:23 22/03/2005, Michael McCulloch wrote:
Metan is a very useful routine for calculating summary effect measures. However, I am having a problem with balancing text size of study ID (namevar) with the width of the text columns where event counts are displayed. Here's the problem:I don't have much experience with -metan-. However, if you want the full power of Stata 8 graphics (including the -ysize()- option), then you might like to use the -eclplot- package, downloadable from SSC, to create forest plots. -eclplot- inputs a dataset (or resultsset) with 1 observation per confidence interval to be displayed, and data on estimates, confidence limits and (optionally) study sizes, and produces as output a confidence interval plot (optionally horizontal like a Cochrane forest plot), with the option of weighting the estimate symbols (or even the confidence limit caps) by study size. The plot can be customized using the -plot()- option and other Stata 8 graphics options.
1. If I set texts to display at full size texts=1, then the text for the event counts in group 1 overlaps with that of group 2.
2. If I set texts to display at reduced size (texts=0.7), then the event counts text columns are properly separated, but the study ID text (namevar) is so small it is unsuitable for publication.
I should add that the # of events is large, four digits, making the display issue more problematic. Techniques for customizing the graph are only minimally documented in "help metan."
I'd greatly appreciate any suggestions on how to customize the graph. Especially helpful would be suggestions on how to increase the width between the event counts text columns.
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