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st: RE�: how to avoid absolute path names in do-files?

From   "Laplante, Beno�t" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE�: how to avoid absolute path names in do-files?
Date   Tue, 22 Mar 2005 07:56:07 -0500

As far as I know, in Stata, this is best handled using local variables. Try something like:
local anpath  "analysis path"  
local dapath  "data path"
log using "`anpath'\analysis1\analysis1X.log", replace
use "`dapath'\data3\somedata.dta"

Beno�t Laplante


De: [email protected] de la part de Eva Poen
Date: mar. 2005-03-22 7:37
�: [email protected]
Objet : st: how to avoid absolute path names in do-files?

Dear statalisters!

I have a question on how to organise my Stata files in such a way that I
can change the directory structure, or copy everything to a new place,
while double-clicking a do-file to run it still works. I am under
Windows XP, Stata 8.2.

Suppose a do-file in directory project dir\analysis\analysis1 contains
the lines

   capture log close
   log using "D:\project dir\analysis\analysis1\analysis1X.log", replace
   use "D:\project dir\data\data3\somedata.dta"

Now I want to be as flexible as possible and avoid absolute path names
at all. Since I have so many do-files (around 70), I am looking for a
solution where the path info is stored only in one place, and I use
references to this in my do-files, so that the above becomes

   log using "<analysis path>\analysis1\analysis1X.log", replace
   use "<data path>\data3\somedata.dta"

Preferably, the path info is stored somewhere in the project directory
itself, under the top level directory. If I decided to have "project
dir\old version\data\..." in a few months, I'd just have to change
"project dir\pathinfo" to adjust the paths.

I know about global variables, but my problem is that I don't know how
to define them from within the project directory, such that
double-clicking a do-file works.

Any ideas on how to accomplish this?

Thanks a lot,
Eva Poen

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