Incidentally, the terminology of "field" and "track" ranks was
-- to the best of my knowledge -- first used in a statistical or
data management context in STB-51 by Richard Goldstein and
myself in 1999. The analogy here is with field events in athletics
in which the highest jump or throw wins and (other things being equal)
three performances of 20 (e.g. a high jump of 20 m) would tie for
bronze. Track ranks are those for which lowest (shortest time) wins
but again ties are ranked equally.
I find it difficult to believe that someone did not only want this _but
also give it a name_ before 1999, so literature references are welcome.
[email protected]
Kit Baum
> . egen rank =rank(score) ,field
> I would like to create the variable rank based on the
> variable score as given below. This has proved more
> difficult than previously thought. Can any one help?
> id score rank
> 1. 8 90 1
> 2. 7 40 2
> 3. 6 20 3
> 4. 5 20 3
> 5. 4 20 3
> 6. 3 8 6
> 7. 2 6 7
> 8. 1 6 7
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