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Re: st: Creating Yearly Totals from 12 Months

From   Rafal Raciborski <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Creating Yearly Totals from 12 Months
Date   Sun, 20 Mar 2005 20:13:58 -0500

Hi Thomas,

The trick is to generate a year indicator and then to collapse on it:

. gsort -month

. gen x=1 if mod(month,12)==0
(22 missing values generated)

. gen year=sum(x)

. list

     | month       var1   x   year |
  1. |    24   6.420962   1      1 |
  2. |    23   6.359303   .      1 |
  3. |    22   6.291237   .      1 |
  4. |    21   6.216306   .      1 |
  5. |    20    6.13373   .      1 |
  6. |    19   6.043005   .      1 |
  7. |    18   5.943435   .      1 |
  8. |    17   5.834095   .      1 |
  9. |    16   5.714371   .      1 |
 10. |    15   5.584059   .      1 |
 11. |    14   5.443335   .      1 |
 12. |    13   5.291652   .      1 |
 13. |    12   5.129404   1      2 |
 14. |    11   4.959064   .      2 |
 15. |    10   4.785601   .      2 |
 16. |     9   4.612175   .      2 |
 17. |     8   4.443652   .      2 |
 18. |     7   4.280849   .      2 |
 19. |     6   4.142096   .      2 |
 20. |     5   4.063006   .      2 |
 21. |     4   4.069176   .      2 |
 22. |     3   4.171527   .      2 |
 23. |     2    4.27602   .      2 |
 24. |     1   3.407265   .      2 |

. collapse (sum) var1, by(year)

. list

     | year       var1 |
  1. |    1   71.27549 |
  2. |    2   52.33984 |


Rafal Raciborski
Graduate student
Department of Political Science
Emory University
301 Tarbutton Hall
1555 Dickey Drive
Atlanta, GA 30322
404-378-9826 (home)
[email protected] (e-mail)

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