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st: RE: How to use in-built programs or explanations posted in Stata's webpage?

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: How to use in-built programs or explanations posted in Stata's webpage?
Date   Wed, 16 Mar 2005 11:02:43 -0000

The Stata Journal is a journal obtainable 
by subscription. That is, either 
you must pay for the journal yourself or 
your institution must take out a subscription. 
Of course, someone you know or can contact locally
may be a subscriber.

gives more details. So, the Journal is more 
like a book from Stata Press, which you 
must buy separately, than an in-built part 
of Stata. However, both are issued by StataCorp.
If you want to think further about this,

gives a cumulative index of volumes 1 to 4, and

gives the contents of the current issue, 
a very special issue to mark the 20th 
anniversary of Stata's first official appearance
in January 1985. 

Naturally, I recommend subscribing to
the journal to any serious Stata user. The 
Journal includes a mix of original and expository 
material and aims to match the high statistical 
and presentational standards of Stata itself. 

Note, however, that programs published in the 
Stata Journal may all be downloaded from the 
Stata website, regardless of whether you 
are a subscriber. Thus if you 

. search mrtab

in an -update-d version of Stata, you will see pointers
to programs written by Ben Jann on multiple responses
tabulation and graphing, which you can then download. 
In the case of the article you cite, which seems 
oddly familiar, no programs were released with the 
article, which is of a tutorial nature. 

[email protected] 
Editor, Stata Journal (with H. Joseph Newton)

Alejandro Delafuente
> I wonder how can I make use or access the 
> facility that is 
> shown below and appears under the subject "Search of official 
> help files, FAQs, 
> Examples, SJs, and STBs"
> SJ-1-1  pr0003  . . . Speaking Stata: How to repeat yourself 
> without going mad
>         . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
> . . .  N. J. Cox
>         Q4/01   SJ 1(1):86--97                                
>    (no commands)
>         describes systematic ways of repeating the same or similar
>         operations

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