Virgile wrote:
>Does anyone out there know how to produce adjusted proportions from a
>logistic regression with weighted data? Apparently adjprop does not
>work with weights. Thanks, Virgile
I think you can use the combination of -svymean- and -adjust- commands to
get the adjusted probabilities for weighted data. For example,
sysuse auto, clear
svyset [pw=turn]
svymean mpg
local mean=_b[mpg]
svylogit for mpg
adjust mpg=`mean', p
If you use other than sampling weights you can do -summarize- to get a
weighted mean instead of -svymean-.
sysuse auto, clear
summ mpg [fw=turn]
local mean=r(mean)
logit for mpg
adjust mpg=`mean', p
[email protected]
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