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RE: st: Inserting greater than or equal to sign

From   "David Harrison" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: Inserting greater than or equal to sign
Date   Tue, 15 Mar 2005 08:57:31 -0000

I have never actually done this, but I believe the process would be as follows...

1. Download a truetype font editor from the internet
2. Copy your favourite font and load it into the editor
3. Pick a character you never use - say q
4. Replace this character with the >= sign, which you can get from the extended ascii character set
5. Save the modified font
6. Tell Stata to use your new font for graphs (in Prefs/Graph Preferences)
7. Type, for example, -xtitle("a q b")- in your graph and "a >= b" will appear.
8. If this works, let me know!

Obviously, you could change something other than a letter, there are plenty to choose from. Then you will need to use the -char()- function to display the symbol, as in Nick's Stata Journal tip. For example if you change ascii code 208 (capital eth) to be your >= sign, then the graph code becomes -xtitle("a `=char(208)' b")-. If capital eth features heavily in your  graphs you would need to choose something else...

Hope this helps


-----Original Message-----
From: Allen Buxton [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 14 March 2005 21:24
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: Inserting greater than or equal to sign

I do not know, but would like to. 
There is in the Stata Journal (Vol 4 Number 1 pp 95-96
2004) 'Stata tip 6: Inserting awkward characters in
the plot' by Nicholas Cox. I have assumed that
"greater than or equal to" cannot be inserted in a
plot as outlined, at least fo windows.


--- Brian Wells Pence <[email protected]> wrote:
> Is there a way to insert the symbol for "greater
> than or equal to" into,
> say, a text box on a Stata 8 graph?
> Thanks,
> Brian Pence
> [email protected]

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