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st: Update to tabout

From   Ian Watson <[email protected]>
To   statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Update to tabout
Date   Tue, 15 Mar 2005 07:51:12 +1100

Dear statalist,

  Thanks top Kit Baum, a new version of -tabout- is now available from
  the SSC archives. From inside Stata just type:

  ssc install tabout

  (or: ssc install tabout, replace).

  -tabout- produces publication quality tables from Stata, with the
  output exported to a text file. It can be exported as tab-delimited,
  html code or LaTeX/TeX code. -tabout- provides extensive user
  control over formating of data and labels and generates table
  headers automatically.

  This version (1.2.0) has two new features:

  1. an n option, for showing sample size (or population estimates)
  within the table. This can be useful in tables of column
  percentages, where the final column can show the n. For example:

  Group     Yes    No   Total    n
  Low      80.0   20.0  100.0   125
  Medium   75.0   25.0  100.0    75
  High     60.0   40.0  100.0   143

  The n can also be shown as a label, on the same line as the value
  labels eg.

  Group           Yes    No   Total
  Low (n=125)   80.0   20.0  100.0
  Medium (n=75) 75.0   25.0  100.0
  High (n=143)  60.0   40.0  100.0

  2. a nototals option for suppressing the repetition of totals in the
  panels of stacked tables. This can be useful when these totals show
  essentially the same numbers each time. A single totals row can now
  be added at the bottom (or the top) of the stacked table.

  To make learning the syntax easy, an example file which can be used
  as a tutorial is available at:

  or at:
  This file has been updated to include the new changes in Version
  1.2.0 so if you already have this file, it's worth downloading the
  latest version of it.

  This version of -tabout- has benefited from feedback from Nick Cox,
  Andrew Felton and Giorgio Ricchiuti. Thank you all for the help.

  Any bug reports and suggestions for improvement are most welcome.

Kind regards,

Ian Watson
Senior Researcher
University of Sydney
NSW 2006

Phone: 02 9351 5622
  Fax: 02 9351 5615

Email: [email protected]

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