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st: what about nlogit and cluster

From   "Tulika Narayan" <[email protected]>
To   "statalist" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: what about nlogit and cluster
Date   Thu, 10 Mar 2005 14:13:39 -0500

Thanks for letting me know that I just needed to update my stata. Now tell
me does yours version also have nlogit with cluster??

I have not been able to successfully update as yet because I am running
into some problems.  I will try and resolve it my end before I ask
questions on that one!


----- Forwarded by Tulika Narayan/bet/Abtassoc on 03/10/2005 02:10 PM -----
                      Tulika Narayan                                                                                                   
                      03/09/2005 04:23         cc:                                                                                     
                      PM                       Subject:  clogit and cluster                                                            

I plan to estimate an occupational choice model with job
characeteristics (clogit) with  data that have multiple observations
on the same individuals. To control for the fact the observations are
not independent, I planned to use the cluster option. However, this
is not specified in clogit (or nlogit that I may use).
Any suggestions? Is this related to how the data is set up for clogit
wherein there are multiple rows for each individual depending on how
many choices there are.
Thanks for your help.

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