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At 03:40 PM 3/9/2005 -0500, Sibel Selcuk wrote:

Hi everyone,

I am trying to create variables for parents' education and age based on
parents and kids who live in the same household.  The only question that
relates the individuals' within a household is "the relationship to the
head of household".   Therefore, I have been unable to use the method
described in STATA's FAQs.

Basically, I am trying to create parents education and age variables for
all possible parent child pairs.  The possibilities are:
Head/ spouse +resident parents (grandparents/in laws)
Resident child+ Head/Spouse (mother, father)

I'd appreciate your suggestions and advice on this.  Thank you.

 Best Regards,

I have done similar operations, so your problem looks familiar.  But, if
you could explain the structure in greater detail, then I/we might better
be able to help.  Do you have a single dataset, or multiple (such as one
for person and one for household)?  And where is the education variable

As I mentioned, this looks familiar.  Is this possibly the Panel Study of
Income Dynamics, or the Current Population Survey (U.S. Census) ?

-- David

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