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RE: st: - uniform() - random variable not uniformly distributed overinterval

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: - uniform() - random variable not uniformly distributed overinterval
Date   Thu, 10 Mar 2005 17:28:15 -0000

The explanation is, I believe, fairly simple. 

-findit- depends on a daily trawl by a
StataCorp search engine. If that engine 
can't find something it is not recorded. 
On the rare occasions when the server storing
the SSC archive can't be contacted, nothing 
in SSC will get recorded -- until the next
time it is accessible. These things happen, 
typically I would guess about 1% of the time 
or less.  

If this strikes you as a crazy way to assemble
a list of web references, consider the alternative. 
Any human-maintained list needs to be updated 
as stuff is withdrawn or otherwise becomes 
inaccessible. The whole thing is better 
automated, with one obvious weakness, that being

-search- depends on what is in the .key files
that come with Stata, except insofar as they 
are -update-d by you. As -egenmore- is not 
part of official Stata, and has not been 
officially released via the Stata Technical 
Bulletin or the Stata Journal, it is not indexed 
in the .key files. End of story there. It's 
just a rag-bag of stuff (most of the functions 
are "totally meaningless" according to one 
private email) -- although it is still a stock 
of little solutions to what might be little problems you have 
-- and I can't envisage it becoming official in 
the foreseeable future, or even the unforeseeable 

[email protected] 

Chris Ruebeck
> On Mar 9, 2005, at 8:53 PM, Richard Williams wrote:
> >
> > I would suggest installing -egenmore- (give the command -findit  
> > egenmore- to find and install.)
> My curiosity piqued, I typed -findit egenmore- in the Command 
> window,  
> had -search egenmore, all- appear in the Stata Viewer's 
> Command line,  
> and was told that there is no information (see below).
> I then used -ssc install egenmore- and it installed.  Typing 
> -egenmore-  
> in the Viewer brought up the help file, but -search egenmore, all-  
> still produced the negative answer below.
> This isn't a big deal to me, but it is also not behavior I would  
> expect.  I'm using Stata 8 on Mac OS X, and an -update query- 
> tells me  
> "Do nothing; all files up to date."

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