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Re: st: Programing "by" and creating a new dataset

From   Cameron Hooper <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Programing "by" and creating a new dataset
Date   Thu, 10 Mar 2005 09:08:41 -0500

Hi Ichiro

Thanks very much for your help. I've had a look at -byable- as
suggested. Having your code as a guide to its use will make it much
easier to see how to implement this command.



Ichiro Fujikake wrote:
> Hi Cameron,
> Following is a byable and with newfile() option version of your program, I
> hope. Please refer to byable and syntax entries of Programming manual and
> -help levels- for information on what I added.
> Ichiro
> =*=*=*=
> capture program drop kpmetric
> qui program kpmetric , byable(onecall)
>     version 8
>     syntax , newfile(string)
>     local by "`_byvars'"
>     tempvar chng
>     generate `chng' = sign(x2 - x1)
>     tempvar gr
>     if _by()==1 {
>         qui egen `gr'=group(`by')
>     }
>     else {
>         qui gen `gr'=1
>     }
>     qui levels `gr', local(list)
>     foreach X of local list {
>         preserve
>         qui keep if `gr'==`X'
>         qui count
>         local n = r(N)
>         local n1 = r(N) - 1
>         local p = 0
>         forvalues i =1/`n1' {
>             local k = `i' + 1
>             forvalues j = `k'/`n' {
>                local opposite = `chng'[`i'] * `chng'[`j'] < 0
>                local flip = sign(x1[`i'] - x1[`j']) != sign(x2[`i'] -
> x2[`j'])
>                local diverge = abs(x2[`i'] - x2[`j']) > abs(x1[`i'] -
> x1[`j'])
>                if `opposite' & (`flip' | `diverge') {
>                   local p = `p' + 1
>                }
>             }
>         }
>         local p_`X' = `p'/comb(`n',2)
>         local n_`X'=`n'
>         restore
>     }
>     preserve
>     qui {
>         keep `by' `gr'
>         if _by()==1 {
>             bysort `by' : keep if _n==1
>         }
>         else {
>             keep if _n==1
>         }
>         gen p=.
>         gen n=.
>         foreach X of local list {
>             replace p=`p_`X'' if `gr'==`X'
>             replace n=`n_`X'' if `gr'==`X'
>         }
>     }
>     drop `gr'
>     save `newfile'
>     restore
> end
> =*=*=*=
> On 05.3.10 6:41, "Cameron Hooper" <[email protected]> wrote:
>>Consider the following data:
>>. use
>>. list
>>      +---------------------+
>>      | id   year   x1   x2 |
>>      |---------------------|
>>   1. |  1   1990   10    8 |
>>   2. |  1   1990    7   11 |
>>   3. |  1   1990    6    4 |
>>   4. |  1   1990    9   12 |
>>   5. |  1   1990    8    6 |
>>      +---------------------+
>>I want to create a new variable based on the pairwise comparisons of
>>-sign(x2 - x1)-. (I've included a brief explanation of these comparison
>>as a postscript to this post. I don't think it is necessary to read it
>>to understand my question.)
>>To achieve this I've written the following program. I don't think it is
>>important to follow the code inside the -forvalues- loop.
>>capture program drop kpmetric
>>program kpmetric , rclass
>>version 8
>>tempvar chng
>>generate `chng' = sign(x2 - x1)
>>qui count
>>local n = r(N)
>>local n1 = r(N) - 1
>>local p = 0
>>forvalues i =1/`n1' {
>>    local k = `i' + 1
>>    forvalues j = `k'/`n' {
>>       local opposite = `chng'[`i'] != `chng'[`j'] & \\\
>>                        `chng'[`i'] != 0  & `chng'[`j'] != 0
>>       local flip = sign(x1[`i'] - x1[`j']) != sign(x2[`i'] - x2[`j'])
>>       local diverge = abs(x2[`i'] - x2[`j']) > abs(x1[`i'] - x1[`j'])
>>       if `opposite' & (`flip' | `diverge') {
>>          local p = `p' + 1
>>       }
>>    }
>>local p = `p'/comb(`n',2)
>>return scalar p = `p'
>>Here as a sample run:
>>. use
>>. kpmetric
>>. return list
>>                  r(p) =  .6
>>In practice my data is more complex. I have multiple years and companies
>>so I need to make my program understand the -by- prefix. I also need a
>>way of capturing the results of the program. This is what I would want
>>to achieve:
>>. use
>>. sort id year
>>. list
>>      +---------------------+
>>      | id   year   x1   x2 |
>>      |---------------------|
>>   1. |  1   1990   10    8 |
>>   2. |  1   1990    7   11 |
>>   3. |  1   1990    6    4 |
>>   4. |  1   1990    9   12 |
>>   5. |  1   1990    8    6 |
>>      |---------------------|
>>   6. |  1   1991    5    8 |
>>   7. |  1   1991    7    9 |
>>   8. |  1   1991    4    4 |
>>   9. |  2   1988    2    6 |
>>  10. |  2   1988    5    3 |
>>      |---------------------|
>>  11. |  2   1988    9    7 |
>>  12. |  2   1988    4    1 |
>>  13. |  2   1989    7    7 |
>>  14. |  2   1989    8    8 |
>>  15. |  2   1989    3    3 |
>>      +---------------------+
>>. by id year: kpmetric
>>. list
>>    id year   p    n
>>1.  1 1990  0.60  5
>>2.  1 1991  0.00  3
>>3.  2 1988  0.33  4
>>4.  2 1989  0.00  3
>>Any suggestions on how I can achieve this?
>>PS. For those interested in what this code is trying to achieve here is
>>a brief explanation. Consider the following data:
>>analyst f1 f2
>>    1    10 12
>>    2    11  9
>>    3     8 10
>>This represents the forecasts of three analysts. f1 is forecast at time
>>1 and f2 is the revised forecast at time 2, after the analysts' observe
>>a publicly available signal. Define a measure of differential
>>interpretations of the public signal to be the proportion of
>>inconsistent revisions. Inconsistent revision move in opposite
>>directions AND either flip or end up further apart they the original
>>forecasts.For example, analyst 1 revised his forecast upwards (from 10
>>to 12) while analyst 2 revised her forecast downwards (11 to 9). Since
>>the revisions are in opposite directions and cross they are defined as
>>inconsistent. In contrast both analysts 1 and 3 revise their forecasts
>>upwards and are thus consistent revisions. While analysts 2 and 3 revise
>>in different directions, they are not inconsistent because they converge
>>as a result of observing the common signal. Of the 3 analyst pairs only
>>1 is inconsistent (1v2) so the value of the differential interpretations
>>metrics equals 1/3 (#inconsistent pairs / total pairs).
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Cameron Hooper <[email protected]>
University of Michigan Business School
701 Tappan St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109
phone: 734-615-4178  fax: 734-936-0282
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