From | "Michael Blasnik" <[email protected]> |
To | <[email protected]> |
Subject | st: Re: Making sure identifiers are unique |
Date | Tue, 08 Mar 2005 11:00:36 -0500 |
Dear all,
I've been trying to determine the identifiers of a data set, and to ensure they're unique. Suspecting the variables, "region" and "district" are the identifiers, I gave the commands below, and got the output shown:
. sort region district
. by region district: assert _N==1
62 contradictions in 97 by-groups
assertion is false
Owing to the fact that I'm more interested in the "district"-level data, I wanted to know whether a collapsed version of the data will have unique identifiers. I therefore gave the following set of commands and got the results shown:
. gen x=1
. collapse (count) x, by (region district)
. sort region district
. by region district: assert _N==1
My question is: What can account for the collaped data being uniquely identified by "region" and "district", whilst the original data are not? I'm using version 8.2.
Many thanks,
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