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Re: st: RE: CLass type

From   Fernando Augusto Proietti <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: CLass type
Date   Tue, 08 Mar 2005 10:57:18 -0300

Thank you to Thomas and Nick.
A "killing"period (.) was responsible for the error Class Type message.


"Steichen, Thomas J." wrote:

> Fernando Augusto Proietti writes:
> > I am kind of new to Stata, and have the following question:
> >
> > I wrote a do file. When I try to run it, I am getting a
> > message that "class type not specified". I can not figure out
> > in the manuals, what a class type is.
> It would be my guess that Stata is (incorrectly) interpreting
> a mistake in your do file as a class type specifier.
> Most likely you have something in your file of the form:
>      .xxx.yyy
> If so, Stata will think this is a class specifier.
> You can read about classes in the [P] manual under entry "class".
> Most likely, though, you do not want or need a class specifier.
> If you need help in debugging your do file, include a copy of it
> in another message along with the error messages and a description
> of what you are trying to do and perhaps we can help you.
> Tom
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