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st: RE: ss# imports as scientific notation

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: ss# imports as scientific notation
Date   Mon, 7 Mar 2005 18:26:02 -0000

The FAQ advises among other things 

"Statalist is an international list. Please explain details 
that may make sense only in your own corner of the world."

In this case, the question evidently concerns U.S. 
Social Security numbers, knowing which helps a bit
in understanding the question.

While I'm at it, a similar reminder, please:  

"Many questions will be of interest to only some 
Statalist members. Always recall that members come 
from many different sciences. Try to show a little 
sensitivity to those noneconometricians, 
nonbiostatisticians, or whoever it may be who may know 
little about your question. Flag your question as of 
limited interest, so that people can delete it quickly, 
or take the trouble to avoid subject-specific jargon." 

[email protected] 

Robin Newberry
> For some reason when I was importing a comma delimited dataset into 
> Stata it converted all of the SS# info into scientific notation. The 
> #'s weren't in standard ss# format (999-99-9999) but unformatted 
> (999999999), so the end result was 9.99e+08. Currently the filed is 
> in %10.0g format - is there a way to convert these back to a non 
> numeric field?

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