It would seem that there is no generic
object or function to do what you want.
As you know, -missing()- returns true
or false to "is this missing?".
But your code could presumably be
condensed to
local typ: type `v'
local missvalue = cond(substr("`typ'", 1, 3) == "str", `""""', ".")
replace `v' = `missvalue'
and even to
local missvalue = cond(substr("`: type `v''", 1, 3) == "str", `""""', ".")
replace `v' = `missvalue'
without, however, being quite as elegant
as one might wish.
[email protected]
David Kantor
> If you are interested, I have used similar code in a slightly
> different
> way, which enables either -replace- or -post- (or both):
> local typ: type `v'
> if substr("`typ'", 1, 3) == "str" {
> local missvalue = `""""'
> }
> else {
> local missvalue = "."
> }
> ...
> replace `v' = `missvalue'
> or:
> postfile postname `typ' var1 ...
> ...
> post postname (`missvalue') ...
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