There is no standard way to do this. A reasonable approximation can be obtained with overlaid text, e.g.
sysuse auto
scatter weight price, text(1850 -270 "\" 1800 -270 "\", size(*1.4) orient(vertical))
-----Original Message-----
From: Nita Forouhi [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 07 March 2005 13:10
To: '[email protected]'
Subject: st: RE: RE: yscale/range to plot
Dear David and Nick (and others)
That was very helpful about the yla command to specifiy the y-scale.
I forgot to ask, is there any way in which I can ask STATA to insert a line
or two lines (such as //) on the y-axis, to show that I have re-scaled the
graph - ie i have gone for a changed axis such that it starts at 0.8 rather
than at 0- so the reader knows straightaway that the axis was modified.
Many thanks
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