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Re: Generating margins of party victory (Was st: question: how do i...)

From   "Clive Nicholas" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: Generating margins of party victory (Was st: question: how do i...)
Date   Mon, 7 Mar 2005 02:35:39 -0000 (GMT)

Israel Solares Bravo wrote:

> i have the following problem:
> i want to construct a variable called margin of victory:
> my data set looks something like this:
> state	votesA	votesB	votesC	votesD
> 1	10	1	6	21
> 2	11	2	7	22
> 3	12	3	8	13
> 4	1	4	2	3
> 5	2	5	3	7
> my question is:
> how do i create a variable called margin_of_victory = votes for 1st place
> -
> votes for 2nd place?, i.e. 21-10 for state 1, 22 - 11 for state 2, 13 - 12
> for state 3, 4 - 3 for state 4, etc.

As a starting point, try using Nick Cox's -majority- routine, downloadable
by SSC for just this purpose (-findit majority-). An example:

. majority votesD votesA, pos(votesD) neg(votesA) by(state) [percent]

I say "starting point", because -majority- can only handle two parties at
once: and even then in a particular combination.

By the way, please use informative subject titles when posting to
Statalist. :)

CLIVE NICHOLAS        |t: 0(044)7903 397793
Politics              |e: [email protected]
Newcastle University  |

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