I am not sure if this is what you are looking for, but if you open the help
file, go to "print viewer" from the file menu, then enter any header
information you want, then when you get to the print dialog box, select save
as pdf, that will give you a formatted pdf file of the help file.
> Date: Sat, 5 Mar 2005 18:11:53 -0500
> From: "Michael S. Hanson" <[email protected]>
> Subject: st: Using -translate- to create PDF of .hlp file
> PDFs of the help document for -outreg-:
> <http://www.la.utexas.edu/~jteigen/outreg.pdf>
> <http://www.kellogg.northwestern.edu/researchcomputing/docs/> outreg.pdf>
> I'm fairly certain that these files were created from within Stata, but
> I'm not having much luck replicating them. The following command
> "works", in the sense that I do get a PDF of the help file (note that I
> am working with Stata 8.2 on Mac OS X, which allows the direct creation
> of a PDF according to -whelp translate-):
> translate "~/Documents/ado/plus/o/outreg.hlp" outreg.pdf,
> trans(Viewer2pdf)
> but this command yields a file without the rich formating of the above
> examples. (The second linked example above appears to be for an older
> version of -outreg-, but I prefer the layout and organization of it --
> plus the fonts in the first linked example don't render quite right for
> me.)
> Any suggestions? -translator query Viewer2pdf- didn't turn up
> anything that seemed appropriate to this issue, AFAICT. Thanks.
> -- Mike
> *
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