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st: Eliminating gaps

From   Cameron Hooper <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Eliminating gaps
Date   Sat, 05 Mar 2005 19:49:16 -0500

When using rollreg on "real" data I learnt that my data cannot contain any gaps. Unfortunately many of my firms have gaps in their data so I need to remove them. Can anyone suggest how to do this? For concreteness here is an example of my problem. In the dataset below I need to remove all observations with id == 1. (In practice I don't know in advance which firms need to be removed, I need to test for gaps.) Also the vast majority of firms in my sample begin with a series of missing values.

. use
. list

| id y x1 x2 year |
1. | 1 12 80 100 1980 |
2. | 1 23 90 93 1981 |
3. | 1 45 100 62 1982 |
4. | 1 13 56 120 1983 |
5. | 1 22 65 90 1984 |
6. | 1 21 . 80 1985 |
7. | 1 56 120 12 1986 |
8. | 1 43 90 45 1987 |
9. | 1 29 67 67 1988 |
10. | 1 14 42 55 1989 |
11. | 2 34 76 87 1985 |
12. | 2 56 123 34 1986 |
13. | 2 32 56 56 1987 |
14. | 2 67 90 98 1988 |
15. | 2 83 54 54 1989 |
16. | 2 45 67 76 1990 |
17. | 2 12 43 23 1991 |
18. | 2 45 56 56 1992 |
19. | 2 23 43 67 1993 |
20. | 2 56 56 120 1994 |
21. | 2 34 78 100 1995 |

. tsset id year
panel variable: id, 1 to 2
time variable: year, 1980 to 1995

. rollreg y x1 x2, move(5) stub(rr)

Number of gaps in sample: 1

Observations with preceding time gaps
Record | id year
7 | 1 1986
sample may not contain gaps



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