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st: table of counts of values for N variables

From   Daniel Egan <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: table of counts of values for N variables
Date   Fri, 4 Mar 2005 10:56:18 -0500

Hello all, 

A problem that involves a simple little table: 

I have about 30 variables that take on integer values from 1 through
6. I would like to create a table with the rows being the variables,
the columns consisting of values 1/6, and the cells consisting of the
count of the variable equal to that value.  There may be missings,
which I would like to include.  Since it would include values that
would otherwise be left out by -tab-, this is similar to -tabcount-,
but vertically. I don't need to be able to specify the value range
(the numlist in tabcount), since they are cleaned within the range.

vertab var1-var3, missing

         1   2   3   4   5   6    .     N

var1   2   4   5   2   1   4    0    18
var2   7   4   2   2   0   3    0    18
var3   9   8   0   0   0   0    1    18

The ability to have row percents would also be fantastic. 

I have looked into using -tab, matcell()- but am not sure how to
recombine the matrices once they have been stored in a manner which
would be consistent across values (i.e., if var3 has no 3's, then the
third value is actually for value 4).

I feel like I am missing some obvious command, but am not sure what. 


Dan Egan
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