I assume there are many users on this list that regularly convert Stata
estimates of multiple models (reported in multiple columns) into a LaTeX
table. The last posting on this issue that I could find dates back
almost a
year ago.
There, it said that there are currently three ways to do this:
1. for the direct stata to LaTeX route there is the est2vec+est2tex
2. another option is to use outreg to get the output into Excel and
then use
the Excel2TeX macro to output into LaTeX.
3. "resultsset approach", with the -parmest-, -dsconcat- and -listtex-
My question is, has anybody written another package that extend these
comands to more features (as suggested by Fredrik Wallenberg in his last
positing on this issue) or is currently working on on
After using outreg for a long time, I have recently switched to Ben
Jann's estout, which I find quite superior. It works from Stata's saved
estimates and offers an incredible amount of flexibility. It can also
be used (as the extensive help file shows) to generate LaTeX tables of
descriptive statistics (using some trickery).