Thanks to Kit Baum, an updated version (v 2.2.0)of -fsum- is now available.
The major changes to -fsum- have been to display the "sum" of "percent"
variables; to default the format of the sum to %n.0f, with an option to use
decimal format if desired; and to use Stata 8.2 code, making it faster.
The package does not include the tlabel utilities that were in the 2002
release of the package, as I found I never used them. Instead, I used a
-mktlabel.ado program and modify it as needed.
With a text editor macro, entry of "capture char [tlabel] " is simple. The
mktlabel program works in the same way as a list of var labels except that
they are char labels.
fsum is a general purpose summary statistic program. Its display can be
formatted with appropriate labels and variable formats so that its output
can be pasted into a word processor without the need for further
alterations within the word processor.
fsum provides summary statistics, including N, # missing, percent missing,
mean, variance, standard deviation, standard error, P1, P5, P25, median,
P75, P95, P99, minimum, maximum, confidence intervals, sum, and percent for
0/1 variables. It can also display categories of a variable in a manner
similar to tabulate. fsum allows Stata labels and special user-defined
labels. Display width is automatically adjusted for variable and label
length. Column width is adjustable by format, and variable labels are
available optionally.
Fred Wolfe
Fred Wolfe
National Data Bank for Rheumatic Diseases
Wichita, Kansas
Tel (316) 263-2125 Fax (316) 263-0761 [email protected]