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st: Graphics Questions

From   "Eric G. Wruck" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Graphics Questions
Date   Mon, 21 Feb 2005 12:32:49 -0500

I basically I have a graph I like of stock return indices over time. However, my efforts to tweak the graph a bit have been unsuccessful Specifically,

(1) The x-axis is a month-year variable (%dm-Y). I am using xlabel(#48 , angle(vertical) labsize(vsmall)) to get every month on the x-axis. I'd like to specify a rule such as every other month or every third month. Is there any easy way to do this for a variable that is a date?

(2) I also have a string variable called news that I am using as a marker label for one of the stock indices. The problem is that sometimes the text is obscured by the graphed lines. Sometimes, I would want the text to appear at 6 o'clock, other times midnight, etc. I thought I could do this by inspection & create multiple news variables that I could use as multiple labels -- one variable might be for news events that I want to appear at 6 o'clock, another news variable for events that I want to appear at midnight, etc. First of all, I don't know whether this can be done -- can it? And secondly, it seems rather primitive. Is there an easier way, one not requiring this sort of intervention?

Thanks very much.




Eric G. Wruck
2535 Sherwood Road
Columbus, OH 43209

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