I basically I have a graph I like of stock return indices over time.
However, my efforts to tweak the graph a bit have been unsuccessful
(1) The x-axis is a month-year variable (%dm-Y). I am using
xlabel(#48 , angle(vertical) labsize(vsmall)) to get every month on
the x-axis. I'd like to specify a rule such as every other month or
every third month. Is there any easy way to do this for a variable
that is a date?
(2) I also have a string variable called news that I am using as a
marker label for one of the stock indices. The problem is that
sometimes the text is obscured by the graphed lines. Sometimes, I
would want the text to appear at 6 o'clock, other times midnight,
etc. I thought I could do this by inspection & create multiple news
variables that I could use as multiple labels -- one variable might
be for news events that I want to appear at 6 o'clock, another news
variable for events that I want to appear at midnight, etc. First of
all, I don't know whether this can be done -- can it? And secondly,
it seems rather primitive. Is there an easier way, one not requiring
this sort of intervention?