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st: Reshape Data

From   "Susan Flaherty" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: Reshape Data
Date   Tue, 15 Feb 2005 13:31:15 -0500

Dear All,
I have an unusual dataset that I am trying to reshape, and the ususal
commands don't seem to apply.
An example of the data is as follows:

Code	890216(VO)		     691693(VO)
5/15/1995	0	                                       .
5/16/1995	0			      0.1
5/17/1995	0		                      0.2
5/22/1995	.		                      0.2
5/23/1995	0		                      0.2

I would like to obtain a standard panel (long format) so that I can run
some regressions:

890216	5/15/1995	0	                                       
	5/16/1995	0			      
	5/17/1995	0		                      
	5/22/1995	.		                      
	5/23/1995	0		                     
691693	5/15/1995	.
	5/16/1995	0.1
	5/17/1995	0.2
	5/22/1995	0.2
	5/23/1995	0.2

The only unique identifier is the firm number (890216(VO)), and the
stem of the common text is the suffix rather than the prefix (e.g.
inc_90 inc_91 inc_92). 

I am currently trying something like:
.  reshape datafile 890216, i(code) j(turnover) string

But since the prefix is a unique number, I can't  replace the unique
number thousands of times.
I would greatly appreciate any suggestions on how to reformat the

Thank you and regards,
Susan Flaherty
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