I am trying to estimate the following model:
Y1* = X1*B1 + e1;
Y2* = X2*B2 + e2;
P* = Z*gamma + e3; P=1 if P*>0, 0 else;
M* = Q*theta + e4; M=1 if M*>0, 0 else;
Y = (Y1* * I(M=1)+ Y2* * I(M=0)) if P=1
Y is not observed for P=0
E1,e2,e3,e4, are jointly normally distributed.
Has anybody programmed the maximum likelihood or maximum simulated
likelihood procedure for this?
Alexandru Voicu
Research Associate
IZA,Schaumburg-Lippe-Str. 7/9, D-53113 Bonn
Phone : +49 228 3894 527
Email : voicu@iza.org
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