is there a non-parametric version of -oneway, tab-?
it would look like:
nponeway Y X,tab
| Summary of Y
X | Median IQR Freq.
0 | 62 14 527
1 | 64 8 446
Total | 63 9 973
Test: Equality of populations (Kruskal-Wallis test)
| X | Obs | Rank Sum |
| 0 | 527 | 242187.00 |
| 1 | 446 | 231664.00 |
chi-squared = 10.963 with 1 d.f.
probability = 0.0009
chi-squared with ties = 10.976 with 1 d.f.
probability = 0.0009
instead of
oneway Y X,tab
| Summary of Y
X | Mean Std. Dev. Freq.
0 | 62.26945 11.296197 527
1 | 64.325112 7.2799337 446
Total | 63.211716 9.71425 973
Analysis of Variance
Source SS df MS F Prob > F
Between groups 1020.78955 1 1020.78955 10.93 0.0010
Within groups 90703.5969 971 93.4125612
Total 91724.3864 972 94.3666527
Bartlett's test for equal variances: chi2(1) = 88.0638 Prob>chi2 = 0.000
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