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st: Repeating sets of commands

From   "Paul O'Brien" <>
Subject   st: Repeating sets of commands
Date   Mon, 7 Feb 2005 11:38:58 +0000

I have a database of clinic visits and want to analyze by clinic site. How do I repeat a set of 10 commands for each clinic site (clin_site).

This is a selection of the commands:

table iud ptboro�if year_f==2003 & clin_site=="RC", row col
table ltprog ptboro�if year_f==2003 & clin_site=="RC", row col
table pt ptboro�if year_f==2003 & clin_site=="RC", row col
table cs ptboro�if year_f==2003 & clin_site=="RC", row col

.by ...: will repeat the first line and then go onto the next.

I want to run all the commands together for one clinic site (e.g. clin_site=="RC") and then repeat for the next value of clin_site.



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