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st: any way to speed up mkmat (or is there an alternative)?

From   Elizabeth Bruch <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: any way to speed up mkmat (or is there an alternative)?
Date   Sat, 05 Feb 2005 17:45:09 -0800

Hi Stata list folks,

I'm writing a program that computes diagnostics (residuals, leverages, and cook's distance) for the clogit model. The program is working, but.. it's *really* slow. I've isolated the source of the slowness to the "mkmat" commands (for each observation in the data I construct 3 matrices, and each matrix takes about 5 seconds to create). I should add that the matrices I construct for each observation are small (two are 1x17 and the third is 6x6).

Is there any faster alternative to mkmat? Why is this command so slow? Is there any way I can speed it up?

Many thanks,
Departments of Sociology and Statistics
University of California at Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA
Phone: (310) 463-4829
Fax: (310) 206-9838

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