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st: RE: Table Command to Matrix or CSV

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Table Command to Matrix or CSV
Date   Thu, 3 Feb 2005 21:25:24 -0000

With r categories in x, c categories in y, 
what you ask for is an array (r + 1) by 
(c + 1) by 2. It won't fit into a matrix 
without some prior restructuring. 

You could try -collapse- followed by
-outsheet- for most of what you want. 

[email protected] 

Tristan Zajonc
> Is there a way to get the results from a table command into a matrix
> or CSV file?  In the end I want in Excel.
> The command I'm running is:
> table x y, c(sum z mean z) row col
> I know there are things like this for reg, tabstat, sum etc but can't
> find anything for "table" and can't easily replicate the format using
> other commands.

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